Tuesday, December 29, 2009

One Day??

Cameron Diaz in "What Happens in Vegas" before she quits her job:
"I'd rather do nothing and be happy than do something and not be happy..."

I sincerely hope that one day I reach a stage in life where I can make such a statement and get away with it... :)


A. said...
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A. said...

How can u not do anything and be happy?? Especially u, the girl who always likes to be caught up in something or the other??

...Arshdeep said...

@ A.

Point taken... but actually what i meant was, having the guts to quit your job, knowing that u r going to sustain yourself, your family and your interests anyway... You can simply stop doing whatever it is that u don't like and replace it with things that u like... even though they may not be highly paying, or whatever...

But why am i telling u all this? You already know about all of this and a lot of other childish fantasies of mine :)

Unknown said...

Wat a view!!!!!!
quite well explained!!!
nd i think at one st@ge in life everyone wud wish dat!!!

all d very best

A. said...

@ ashi

Yeah. Aur hamari wish-list to hai bhi aisi, we're goin to have to pay thru our nose for all that stuff... But don't you worry, i'm sure we'll manage all of it very easily... One Day. For Sure.


Galaxy6139 said...

At least you need to try one time to know... whether it would be happy or not...

but if you would have done nothing at all, you would never know whether be happy or not ^-^

Anyway, interesting situation for thinking ^^