Monday, August 17, 2009

HIS Blessed One

Knowledge of 'psychology' is the single most biggest and most important knowledge in the world... Sometimes I wish I'd gone by my instinct and taken that up as one of my subjects while I still had the chance... Maybe I would've learnt a lot of things sooner and in a lesser painful way than I have now by hit-and-trial... Maybe that would've even taught me to look at things in a more impersonal way, to not be much affected by them, rather to take care of them in a more scientific manner... But maybe, that would've taken all the sensitivity out of me... coz maybe then, I would've looked at people merely as subjects -- to be studied -- and not as humans - to be understood and appreciated.

Whatever happens, happens for the best... I have always been a firm believer of this... More than anything else, the fact that nothing can happen to me without HIS knowledge keeps me going... HE will take care of me and all those who I care about... I know this... coz I'm His Blessed One...


priya said...

You're in a funny mood these days... ;)

arushi said...

couldn agree more....with both u n priya!!