Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just 3 colours??

I read somewhere that the Taj Mahal appears pink in the morning, milky white in the evening and golden when the moon shines. Changes, they say, depict the different emotions of a woman.


Siddy said...

Yup! Just 3 colors... That's all you get! And I'll tell you why....

Because not only does it capture different moods of a woman, it does something else too.... When women complain that it captures JUST 3 MOODS (?) of theirs, it shows us that you can do anything for women (build the damn thing for years, cut hands of thousands of workers), they'll still want more! :)

Sahi kaha na?

I look forward to seeing more of your colors on this blog soon :p

anonymous said...

pink is wen a women feels shy nd milky wen she iz embarrased...nd golden wen she iz very confident....!!
nt sure whether it is correct...!!

Siddy said...

I guess they just mean that the 'change in color' is depiction of the fickle nature of a woman's mood. The different colors have not been ascribed to particular moods as such... so on this topic, our guesses for the colors are as good as anyone else's! :)

@ Ritika...

I would love to see a woman turn golden when she is confident!!!... lol

...Arshdeep said...

@ siddy

Hadd ho gayi... U've indulged in enough women-bashing now... Bas bhi kar... Otherwise i'll start moderating ur comments now;) lol

Anonymous said...

C'mon yaar... do only women change moods...
Men do it too... nd im sure dey hav atleat 3 if nt more than 3 ;)...
and the color is more relatd to mood of our dear Mr.Sun...i guess
Chunauti :)