Saturday, November 21, 2009


Lesson (re)learnt in June 09:

Bringing a smile to someone's face when he's close to tears can bring tears (of joy) to your own eyes...

Moral of the story on Nov 21, 2009:

Being there for someone when he's down and out can really reaffirm his faith in all that is beautiful in the world...

P.S. I had my microprocessor project submission today. After an unexplained run of good luck all through last semester, during which all my projects worked perfectly, this semester, my one and only project refused to even light up its LEDs(even after I'd spent the last two nights soldering the stupid thing meticulously, getting very little sleep in the process)... Spent the whole afternoon cursing the damned project while some friends worked selflessly at it.... even when they didn't have to... when they could've easily walked away....

I couldn't submit my project in the end... Coz when we finished with it, the teacher was gone... and he's on leave tomorrow (yes, this sunday is working in our college :p)which means i'll have to coax him into accepting it on monday... Frankly, i might have been perturbed about my non-working project before noon today, but now i don't even care what my prof will have to say on monday... I've got better things to be happy about... My reaffirmed faith... There are still a lot of things that are right with this world... :) :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009
