Monday, September 21, 2009

A Brand New Start :)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."

And as I make a fresh new start, I vow that I will give it ALL I have and make it a success...

Friday, September 4, 2009


It was his decision to come close
His decision to go away...
His decision to make me his world
And his decision to push me to its periphery...

Only decision I ever made was...
That while it isn't going to be possible for me to let go of this relation
I'm not going to be a part of any new relation ever again...

Coz it's the same with everyone here...
The more you invest into them,
The more they're going to use it against you some day...
And even if they don't today...
They sure as hell will tomorrow.

Now I'm going to act like I 'forgive & forget'
Even though it's never going to be possible to forget what you said
I'll wait for you... till eternity...
Coz I invested in the relationship
I'm not sure whether you ever did
Whether you truly loved me
Or whether it was all one big lie...
But still, I'll wait for you... till eternity...

Coz to be loved by someone who you love
Is something only few are fortunate enough to have...
And I have long reconciled myself to the fact
That in this life,
That fortune is something that I'm never going to have.